Hey 👋, I'm

Jerónimo Matavel Jr.

I'm a Software Engineer based in Maputo, Mozambique.

I'm currently working at archTECH Lda.

software developer illustration


Junior Software Engineer

Dec 2023 - Present


As a member of the software team at ArchTech, I specialize in modern technologies such as Java and Angular, along with working with AS400 and RPGLE for legacy systems. I collaborate with financial institutions like Moza Banco, SOCREMO, ABSA, among others, where I've been involved in optimizations that reduced the execution time of routines by 1-2 hours. A significant aspect of my work involves developing regulatory solutions for the banking sector. I have contributed to important projects such as NUIB, Foreing Currency Exchange Registration, CRC and Bounced Cheques, all of which communicate directly with the central bank to ensure compliance with financial regulations. Currently, I am engaged in the migration of the banking core from the Banka platform to T24, contributing to the modernization and efficiency of banking systems.


Licentiate Degree in Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering

Feb 2020 - Present

Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicações (ISUTC)

The ISUTC's Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering course is an undergraduate degree that prepares students to work in the areas of information and communication technology. During the course, students learn to design and develop technological solutions involving computers, networks, the internet, mobile devices, data security, among other areas. Students also receive training in programming, databases, computer networks, mobile technology, and communication skills, which prepares them to work in various areas, including technology companies, telecommunications, government, health, and education.


Personal Website

Personal Website

My personal portfolio website

React.js-Chakra UI-Next.js-Typescript
Live Demo
Jerofy Academy

Jerofy Academy

Jerofy is an innovative learning platform that I am currently developing. Although it is in the early stages, I have the basic front-end done. With a user-friendly interface and a focus on providing valuable educational resources, Jerofy aims to help learners achieve their goals and enhance their skills.

Admin Dashboard

Admin Dashboard

This project is a reproduction of the layout of an Admin Dashboard built using ReactJs & Typescript.

Landing Page Dark

Landing Page Dark

Clone of the Figma Land's Figma Startup Template. Made with HTML, CSS and JS only.

Social Media API

Social Media API

A social media API build with Node.js, Typescript and Express.js. The project is covered by tests with jest.

Services API

Services API

An API to manage Services Provided to Customers made using the good practices of Software Development. The project is completely covered by tests (including mutation tests) and has a documentation made with Swagger.


* Click or Touch the card to read

Chakra UI
Tailwind CSS
VS Code

Get in touch

Have a project in mind? Looking to work together? Reach out through the form and I'll get back to you ASAP.